Thursday, January 27, 2005

I have decided, regarding the matter of names and details of my past personal experiences (that involve other people), to not give them up, to any real extent at least. I feel it respectful to those involved... however, I will include names and more detailed accounts of my present experiences and future ones - even if they involve other people.

This.. is my b*log philosophy..

Now, ... what I have done, since my last entry, is not much..

Yesterday I spent pondering and reading ... drinking coffee, which is not unusual of me .. utterly bohemian some might think, well excuse me if that is what my life has turned into.. but it suits me, mainly because I know I will become quite active again in a relatively short time.

My school in Slovakia contacted me and explained that they had been unable to provide me with a single-room accommodation, even though they had claimed it was a possibility on the entry form. What I have instead is a three-bedroom flat, which I will share with three of my Rosie B fellows.. I do actually expect it to be a cozy and interesting environment, as long as I do have a room of my own within which I can shut myself away from anything external if I feel so inclined. Privacy is essential to my mental well-being I fear..

Today I have done something very important. I have made an effort to tie loose emotive ends, sort of a settlement of emotional accounts from my part, to do with my last - and recently deceased - relationship. I have learned through valuable experience that doing this is very important for me. I have managed to do it on most occasions, but with every break-up the time it has taken me has shortened. In other words: I have become more efficient in the cleansing of my emotional life.
The execution of this settlement takes on different forms, and I earnestly believe each individual has their own way of doing this... for me it always comes down to heart-to-heart dialogue (which is a brilliant form of communication anyway) or written form. In some cases I feel one option more appropriate than the other, whereas sometimes I could go with either one - and then I usually go for the dialogue. In this current case something told me the written form would be more clear, and more valuable for the future. I may find at some point that I was wrong, .. but I took the written path and I feel confident now that it will only have positive effects.

Right, I leave it at this for now..


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