Monday, January 24, 2005

Alright ... hereby this blogsite has been turned into an English-written logsite, where I do honestly intend to keep track of my daily life and describe it in minute details to anyone interested. It has been a problem for me to arouse my own interest in logging my daily activities, and thus this site has 'till now been left to rot on the world-wide web .. changes will be made, this site will now be ripe with life and interesting anecdotes .. well, at least I pledge to do my best.

An exciting time for me, this .. not coz I have now made a vow to log my life on-line .. but because of the whole moving abroad business. As some of you may know, I am a homeless man .. a young man without a proper roof over my head. I live with relatives and friends .. no, I don't even "live" as such, I dwell .. that is what I do .. I dwell with family and friends. I feel like a tramp. But it is the unfortunate fate of the student, especially the international student, to not really have a place to call his or her own.

For my time in my lovely native land, Iceland, my grandmother has been nice enough to house me. For this I am deeply grateful. For my time in London I have rented a house along with 3 other fellow students. That house is not my home ... it doesn't feel like my home .. it feels like a hole into which I crawl at the end of the day .. within which I sleep and eat and all-that-jazz .. but lo' and behold, that is coming to an end .. my 3 fellow students are graduate students who will be moving out by the end of this term. What shall I do? where shall I move next? Will I keep the house? Will my landlord pity me and let me search for new housemates? Will I .. live in a box? to be continued ...

Now, frightfully soon I will be moving-yet again woohoo!, but this time to the hopefully-lovely city of Bratislava in Slovakia (half of the former Czechoslovakia.. I am not entirely sure how that is spelled) . Exciting, yes, frightening, a bit.. I am sick of moving! Luggage is one of the most horrible things in the universe.. luggage on trains is worse! luggage on buses even worse! Luggage on my back.. death! - Sometimes I fantasize about leaving all my stuff and travelling naked with only my passport ... *sigh* in a perfect world I'd even discard my passport.

Well, this logsite is mainly kept for the sake of interested family members and friends, as I foresee great adventures in the next five months. Of course I may be terribly wrong, and nothing of note will happen .. but odds are something at least worth mentioning will.

Considering the length of time that has passed since I last b*logged, I should really write an overview of my past months.. I will, I shall just allow myself some time to arrange the material (recollecting, editing, pondering) before I start writing.

Anyway, Hansablogg is alive and well ... and I shall try and be responsible for keeping it that way ..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hehe.. better girl than you have been for a while at least ;) .. no really, you are an inspiration to me .. kisses, .. Gollrir