Thursday, June 22, 2006

Respected readers.

Humble apologies for my tardiness and absence. Busy lives tend to turn egocentric for shallow characters such as moiself. One loses contact with dear friends, near and far, and suddenly one can't be bothered to leave even the tiniest breath on one's personal logsite.

So, I should promise you that this update be juicy and full of flesh, a feast for your eyes and sensual organs. But, such as you can't decide to have fun until you're actually having it, you can't decide to create works of great substance before you've actually made them.
Confused yet?

May and June marked the finale of my Rose Bruford era. The European Theatre Arts chapter has now been closed - and I will officially have my BA in August. I turned in my last projects, a Written Dissertation and two Research Porrtfolios on European Theatre Companies, this past Monday (June 19). Finished. Unbelievable, totally. Feels more than a little odd to have actually completed my three-year studies.
Now for a couple of weeks at least I am a feather floating to its own consent whence and hither toward all and nought.

Mid-July then marks the beginning of my MA studies in Cultural and Educational Management at the Icelandic University for Business.

Backtracking . . .
I spent most of the month of June with my love in the beautiful country of Poland. We worked intensively with the incredible company of the Centre for Theatre Practices 'Gardzienice', in the rural and economically unstable Eastern Poland.
I am so grateful for the experience, and for the fact that Haffi was there with me. I literally would not have bothered to go and do this without him. He is my ambition. Makes me both emotionally and culturally richer as my team-mate in the great bonspiel of la vie.
During the work with the company I extensively worked on my Written Dissertation, which focussed on their theatre practice and its relevance to contemporary theatre, a theatre in existential crisis. Important company, truly. And I want to make a determination to bring their work to Iceland, Icelandic audiences should really have a chance to experience their work. It's a lesson in pure theatre.
Already begun the subtle groundwork for this to happen.

After Gardzienice, where we also met a group of lovely people from I think 5 or 6 different countries, all participants with us in the work session, I had to go slightly mad in London to finish all my work for Rose Bruford in about just under 3 days.
Still recovering, and feathering about for a little while might just do the trick.
Stress free existence that might border on boredom had I not my internal motivation and of course both my love and my life. Pleasant cocooning.

Been discovering the new music of a band that I've really enjoyed listening to since they emerged. What a beautiful song, this:

"I don't wanna be adored
Don't wanna be first in line
Or make myself heard
I'd like to bring a little light
To shine a light on your life
To make you feel loved

No, don't wanna be the only one you know
I wanna be the place you call home

I lay myself down
To make it so, but you don't want to know
I give much more
Than I'd ever ask for"

-Fragment from Keane's Hamburg Song, which was the soundtrack to this blog entry.

Determined at home again,