Saturday, August 13, 2005

This lifetime, a queer journey of twenty-four years and ten months and two days.
Lucky number: 9272

A minuscule account of baby phase
Baby Hansi had big eyes. Eyes that wanted to drink up the whole world in one enormous gulp. Around the pupils lay lochs of bluest sincerity, pure ponds that glimmered from the light of a most innocent mindscape. These eyes mesmerized and enchanted the beholders that Baby Hansi later learned to manipulate.
As Baby Hansi grew more aware he harnessed the endowment of enchantment, his first super-power, and got showered with material benefits. He would spellbind the young women and flirt with the young men behind the counters at which his mum made transactions, and make them want to award him with gifts.

A minuscule retrospection of elementary phase
I remember Róbert. The dark-haired, brown-eyed and dark-skinned demigod of some of my early fantasies. His class used to line up beside mine, and I used to line up beside him. Without fail. Until he started to suspect. But the quick-thinker that I was made it all sound normal, as if it just happened by chance. Every time.
One of the great failures as well. A very early example of a character that I would have liked to involve intimately in my lifestory, but could never bring myself to make the action necessary - to determinedly befriend.
The number of examples grew with time. I got better though.

Did I discard one of my great endowments somewhere along the way?
If I did I have managed to somewhat rediscover it.
Today I use a "mature" compound of enchantment and determined action to enrich my lifestory of demigods.

Post-theory ideation
Should I write dedicated entries on some of these demigods?
Might it prove an interesting read?

Going on 9273,

1 comment:

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