Saturday, August 13, 2005

The discussion will be about art.

As art is a path onto which I have been by fate ordained
the thought of it consumes a great deal of my time and thought
It is a bit funny, a bit weird, a bit fascinating
that I have been on this path since the dawn of this lifetime
How does a child know where it wants to go ?
Why is a child more fascinated by one phenomenon than another ?
What is personality made of ?
and it is hopefully at the end of this path that I am to be buried.

This lifetime has
- to this point -
been a queer journey of twenty-four years and ten months and two days
- still counting my lucky number in days -
and if the progression along the path has been slow it has also been quite infallible
An almost gravitational pull
a constant need for expression via artistic devices
of making being my vocation
of sharing a self that never fully stood its own
'till now.

It is from hereon
that I am capable.

Life feeds into art
and artistic achievements
- discoveries -
feed into life

- it is a mutuality -

and thus the higher my lucky number
the deeper
more fruity
more blooming
the vaster
my sensibilities
my art
my capability.

Each day heightens potential
but potential has to be disciplined
to form.


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