Sunday, May 14, 2006

If our friendship depends on
things like space and time,
then when we finally overcome
space and time, we've
destroyed our own brotherhood!

But overcome space,
and all we have left is Here.
Overcome time,
and all we have left is Now.
And in the middle
of Here and Now,
don't you think that we
might see each other once or twice?

[from Jonathan Livingstone Seagull]



Anonymous said...

It makes me think a hell of a lot! But it's worth it.
It's amzing to have good friends like you.
I hope you are enjoying Iceland, I am sure you are, specially because of Haffi's company and Love!
I Miss you...

Anonymous said...

its funny how sometimes ocions dont keep us a part but fear n solitute I love ja so n miss ja see ja in the collorfull summer

Anonymous said...

Hi hope your travels are treating you kindly and that your journeys are taking you far. Experience and always find the the joy in all that you do.

Anonymous said...

Elsku kall ég sakna þín svo því ég sá þig ekki er þú komst í mai varð bara að segja þér það love ja kysstu Haffa frá mér er þú kemur næst heim þá knúsa ég þig tvöfalt buhuhuhuhu hormónar á fullu og ég sakna þín heitt