Friday, May 13, 2005

My last day in Bratislava.

I am leaving. Done with Bratislava. Going back to London extremely early in the morning. There I will have about a week off, and then I resume my studies for just over a month. A big final project for the year awaits me there.

The VIPs in my life are hereby notified: the number I gave you for reaching me in Slovakia will be of no use to you after tonight, from tomorrow onwards, until I finally reach the shores of Iceland, you can reach me through the British number (which VIPs should already possess).

Farewell Slovakia, it has been nice. Ahoj for now, but I will see you later.. undoubtedly.


1 comment:

Kristjan Oskarsson said...

Eg bid tig, og hvern sem er annan, forlats a tvi hve langt er farid ad lida milli daegurflugna.. stadreyndin er, og hefur verid, su ad eg kemst her minna a Netid en i Slovakiu.. her neydist eg til ad reida mig a skolatolvurnar - plus, buid ad vera pinu kaos hjerna vardandi uppsetningu daglegrar rutinu. Eg bidst, enn og endurtekid, forlats. Eg baeti her adeins ur. Knus astin min..