Friday, April 15, 2005

A sigh..

Weekend is upon me, a long one.. no school today, and naturally no school tomorrow or the day after. What is one to do with the time?

Shall I go out .. to a club. Shall I.. do some private work. Shall I jump on a plane, or a train, and travel somewhere. Where? A worthy question.. Krakow, might be expensive though. Austria.. nah, better save that for my mum´s visit at the end of the month. Prague as well. But then, perhaps it is not wise at all to travel anywhere.. I did spend some of this month´s money on my flight back to London, and my flight to home. And considering that I will travel at the end of the month, losing more money might be an ill-conceived action.

Go out then. Drink. Perhaps flirt.
What good would it do me.
Where would it lead.

Stay at home. Read and write. I shall go deranged should I spend the whole weekend doing that. But it might prove fruitful. Deranged minds can create unorthodox impressions.
How about I go out there, somewhere in the world, and change it.. for the better. Eh? Do you have faith in my doing so satisfactorily, dear readers, or do you consider me too loose of a cannon? A loose cannon.. weird expression. I think I like the Icelandic concept of loose screws better.

Aye! .. could do with some loved ones this long weekend.

Tightening my screws,

1 comment:

Kristjan Oskarsson said...

Eg takk ter audsynt traust i teim merkilegu efnum, kosen-rufu.. magnad ad trua tvi, tott ekki se nema augnablik, ad madur geti att tar einhvern tatt sem skiptir mali.. Eg takk ter hvatninguna, minn elskulegi vinur, min astkaera kona, hun er mer mikils virdi .. ;)