Thursday, March 31, 2005

I am sitting in front of this public computer with a blank mind. No idea what to write, and yet my weblog lures me to it.. beckons me to express myself about something, anything, nothing. It has put a spell on me.. like a siren it sings to me in the night, makes me dream about it, never to forget about it ever.. it desires me, it needs me - makes sense, it is only for my words that it actually has an existence at all. Weblogs, our digital children, need nurturing.. they need our attention and care, they need us to feed them with our mundane words.. feed them until they are full, full of words.. words.. words..

It is midnight.. ah yes, the infamous time of the night that hardly seems to be the middle of it at all, even if the name suggests it .. To me, the middle of the night is at around 3:30 in the morning. But that is me.. eccentric as me may be it is me.. and I suspect there would be a few others out there that agree with me, on that whole night thing. But I love the night.. it is beautiful.. still, and not cold here anymore .. only still, dry, quiet.. calming. Not to forget: mysterious! For some reason the night always has a sense of mystery.. and romance, to me at least.

This short blog, I am not ashamed to tell you, has taken me a long time to write.. reason being I did it as a sidejob to my chatting through MSN messenger.. also wrote and sent a couple of emails I believe. And they say only women can do more than two things at once.. I challenge any woman to a multitask project, even if I probably would lose that challenge to be totally honest with my respected readers. Even if it looks as if I completed a multitask, blogging while chatting and writing, the truth of the matter is that while I blogged for a few seconds I stopped writing and chatting, while I chatted for a couple of minutes I stopped blogging and writing, while I wrote -.. well you get the picture.

At 30 minutes past midnight,

1 comment:

Palli said...

...bara á enskuni......
þú ert nú alltaf svo mikill töfra maður hvort sem það er íslenskan eða enskan :D

bréfið er á leiðinni.. tafðist við það vegna skattskýrslunar....

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