Monday, May 23, 2005


Yes. I am in London now. Back to school. Or college. Or university college. Or whatever.. yes, - but I have not yet received my schedule. I am not quite sure exactly what it is I should be doing, so all I really do is sit and read and sweat, trying to prepare for the big directing project - which scares the living daylights out of me, to be relatively honest. Big endeavours petrify me, especially when I do not feel as if I know enough to deal with them. But then, that is what the project is for.. to study the procedure of directing.

For all I know I have this week off for preparatory work and research. And then, starting next week, I begin a rehearsal process, in which I direct three performers who will in turn direct me in their pieces. To elaborate> we are a group of four working together, each has to direct the other three, and be directed by the other three. See?
I have chosen a weird text to work with. Weird texts attract me. But thinking about it, weird texts are the harder to direct.. as working with the usual character relationships and conflicts of classical character dramas is fairly straight forward work, where one only chooses to be innovative or not. A weird text, on the other hand, enforces innovation.. and requires alternative methods. Which, of course, are the methods that I am interested in .. but I don't know them! Well go ahead and discover them then .. What? .. Coward .. Pardon me! .. Hen .. Yeah, very nice, how mature of you italics, how incredibly mature. Leave off! .. Whatever henboy .

Now then.. not much else. How I hope time will fly. The step from Bratislava to London is a step homeward.. not quite home yet, but on my way. Whichward is homeward then? .. Thatward! *points northwestward*

I am healthy and well. A bit agitated.