Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Here we go.

A new chapter has been opened. I try to meet it with an open mind, as one should regarding every chapter of one's life. This one is a tough one to swallow though: at about 7 this morning a quarter of a century had passed from my birth.

My lucky number has thus become: 9331
Luckier by the day.

I am back in England, back in Uni. Challenging subjects this term. Thursdays off! Off and not off, really .. there is a lot of research work involved and the work load will only increase every week up until Christmas break.
My life state is getting higher. It was pretty low the first days after my arrival to this Kingdom. But I generally do not easily accept unnecessary suffering, at least not without a fight, and so I have done my utmost to heighten my state of life. Increasing my chanting every day, and finding time to nurture my consciousness beyond curricular demands.

I have been "klukk"-ed, or b*log tagged, which basically means that I have to reveal five random statements about myself on my b*log, and then pass the "klukk" on to five other b*loggers. I herewith thus reveal the following:
1) Even though I love colors in general, my favourite color is yellow.
2) And yet, funnily enough, I have a genetic inability to distinguish differences in hue -> I am colorblind.
3) As a child I had a rich empathy for inanimate objects. I used to encourage them in word (whispers) and thought, if I witnessed people treating them in an unfair, or bad, manner.
4) I had piano lessons for a couple of years as a child, and they involved homework. I hereby confess that I sometimes lied in my homework register that I had done the work I was expected to do at home. And because I was alone at home for a big part of the day, I got away with this. (Needless to say, I don't play the piano particularly well today)
5) I once, as a child, chased my younger brother around our flat with a knife, and accidentally cut him. He bled.

I have not made up my mind as to whom I will b*log tag, many of my b*logging acquaintances already have carried these out, so my "klukk"s will have to wait.

Happy birthday to me? Fairly.

Older and wiser,