Sunday, August 31, 2008

The coolest chick in pop


Thursday, August 21, 2008

a man walks into a bar, the barman says: what will you have? the man replies: ooh not whatever it was you gave me yesterday. i was blowing chunks all night. the barman says: well that can't be blamed on me, it could've been something you ate. the man says: no you don't understand, chunks is my dog!

Friday, May 30, 2008


19. júní - 26. júlí

Verður þú þar líka?


Monday, May 05, 2008

Lesið þetta:

Þetta er blogg systur minnar um atvik sem átti sér stað í skóla dóttur hennar, sem er í 3. bekk. Níðingsskapur og ofbeldi af völdum starfsmanns skóla. Endilega commentið á þetta. Þetta mál verður að taka til umfjöllunar!
